Lybrint FanFic

This fanfic list I read while I try 2 kill my boringness hehehe  (^_^) Don't angry with me or u're considered sold!  \(^o^)/ Enjoyed when U read it ok. Thank you! (^^')v

And the list are here: 

[multiple] Secret of the voice [1/3]

It’s for you [one shot]

[One Shot] Blue Paper Bird

[one shot] Forever

[drabble] Talk to me...

p/s: This fanfic are bias of this name 'Nishikido Ryo'. So, just don't kill me with it hehehe  \(>_<)/ 


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Side NanG!!

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Great,Outstanding,Moody,Funny, Kanjani8, Nishikido Ryo, Jpop & Kpop; BTS & Girl Generation - that...all ME!



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