Love Blue

I love BLUE ^_^
Other than blue I like natural color...
Why I made it out here?! Just to tell...I love BLUE ^^ very much.
Mostly I HATE pink Don't give anything on that color...sure I'll kick it out...hahaha

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Uber & Thomas Cup 2010

Double trouble of game...twice game in a row...a lot of work to win it...Great tournament give a great achievement!


Book I Read

Here are the book I read lately...Those are my favorite ^_^ I really enjoy when read it. I have a lot of it (the novel) It's one of my hobby... 

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Side NanG!!

Thank You 4 visit ^_^

Thank You 4 visit ^_^


"Sometimes what was communicated is not what was intended. To avoid miscommunication always make and effort to clarify."

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Great,Outstanding,Moody,Funny, Kanjani8, Nishikido Ryo, Jpop & Kpop; BTS & Girl Generation - that...all ME!



My sOnG ~.~

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