My craziness

Hi I want talk 'bout my craziness on JPOP entertainment ^_^ this day!!!

I'm a BIG fans of Jhonny's Groups...I already have bunch of video about them. It so hilarious and lot of pretty faces that I can stare on it ^_^ be more specific I'm fans of Kanjani8 and NewS XD To whom who know this group..they probably will know, why I like it both XXD well...
When I'm in pressure or depress, they will make my life calm n colorful. Really a good medicine...From them I try to learn or understands their language(Japanese) [know little]...such a big influent right?! hehehe *blush* They are to be truth to be an idol...It's start when one of my friend show me one of their vid clip...I'm not fall in love in first side take a year to fall in love with it : ) My friend like one of them n spot it to me (wonder?!) then, I search for it why she like much 'bout it hmm ^_^' then I found out the link and...OMG >_< I get crush on it XD (well it girl stuff) XXD ...until now I'm still craziness 'bout them ^_^

p/s:...don't get mad on me if I'm bias ; P ~enjoy~

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Great,Outstanding,Moody,Funny, Kanjani8, Nishikido Ryo, Jpop & Kpop; BTS & Girl Generation - that...all ME!



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