
I heard this from my friends that came back from US for study a long time ago. He go for study in US university. He just walk around the town there and buy some souvenir for his family. Then, came a guy just to be nice to the tourist and he ask him.   
Guy: Hello. How are U?
Friends: Hi, fine thak U.
Guy: Where are U from?
Friends: Oh, I'm from Malaysia *proudly said*
Guy : Uhmm..where it this place? Aren't U still live in the tree house?!
Friends: Eh...umm yeah and we have a lift to enter our house...*smile* 
Guy: *imagine* Ohhh, I see. Have a nice talk with U. Bye. *impressive faces*
Friends: Bye *smirk*
From this story what are U guyz  thinking? It is a true story, story for along time ago. I think in year 1991. I guess ^_^  And my friend are totally  naughty in this conversation. I just laugh after heard it. 

p/s: there is no point to harm others...just friends talk.



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